In a crowded marketplace,

how do you stand out?

Your brand isn't just your logo, and your marketing isn't just ads. We leverage data to create a seamless connection, because even when you're right
about what your customers want, you're always almost right.

get started

text saying "take off in five"

marketing blueprint

ui/ux optimisation

visual design assets

guesswork is sh*t

text saying "see what your users are doing"
text saying "antidote to risk taking"

Data Analytics

34% of startup failures are due to a poor product-market fit. 22% of startups fail because they spend $$ on the wrong marketing strategies. We've replaced the "hit or miss" approach with precision-driven branding and marketing.

we are

the Squared Pegs in the round holes
the do-gooders with disruptive genes
the ideas out of left field that fit inside the box just enough
a group of data nerds and creative geeks
who have combined design and numbers
rewriting the rules of growth
3D art

When it comes to startup marketing

there's no one-size-fits-all solution.

We always start with conducting

an intensive 1-day workshop where

we break down your entire strategy and build it back up again.

Findtrend helps you to increase your productivity and reduce your computer's memory load, an application that can fulfill your daily browsing needs.

Pick your poison.

brand identity and narrative


data tracking

organic and performance marketing

responsive and
interactive website


And you'll get an entire team's expertise focused on your goals.

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